Saturday, 11 February 2012

Testing Build using Koji

If anyone has been following my posts so far I have created an RPM build that I am currently testing. For this post I am writing about "Koji" which is a client-server system that submits build job to koji's build hub. It is then retrieved by separate server system (builder) which tries to build it resulting in a success or fail!. I have used my gnuchess SRPM package that I have created from previous post for this test.

The first command I used below in bold instructs koji to build the package using the packages that are available in Fedora 17's distro. The "--scratch" option tells koji to build but do not tag it meaning it will not be included in Fedora.
koji build f17 --scratch ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS/gnuchess6.0.1-1.fc16.src.rpm
Unable to log in, no authentication methods available

As you can see above, this was the message I got back from trying the koji command on my package. After some searching I found that the problem was that I did not have authentication and so I ran this command to obtain authentication.

Running this command generated a client certificate from the Fedora Account System (FAS). This was the whole output from running that command >>>>>>>>>>

This process required me to enter a FAS account which I had created already and also the password. The output also let me know that the Browser certificate was exported to ~/fedora-browser-cert.pl2

After this had completed, I re-ran the initial koji command that I first tried and this time it went through without any authentication message. The command again was  
koji build f17 --scratch ~/rpmbuild/SRPM/gnuchess6.0.1-1.fc16.src.rpm

This is the screen shot of my terminal as the task was going on and the last line before it ended says that it completed successfully! Also from this we can see that a taskID of 3783537 was given to this task.

With this number we can check to see the status of a task: 
koji watch-task taskID

Where taskID is the number given at the last line after the koji build command completed.

This was was the output from entering the koji watch command on my taskID

The whole process of using koji on my build was fairly straightforward with the exception of the authentication message that I received which required some searching. Overall the process I would say had taken 1hr and a half to get here.

My SRPM of gnuchess
Create a Fedora FAS account 

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